NOVA Product Reviews from those who use it.

- Jul 28, 2017
Our in-house development team have their efforts focused on not only NEW facets of our software, but also improving on what we currently provide. We love to hear feedback from our customer base using NOVA because it helps us gain an even clearer image on how those who use the software NEED to use the software. As a bright light helps you see what’s in front of you, with the help of our customers old and new the light just keeps getting brighter showing us the road ahead. Here’s an example directly from one of our customers who reached out to me in regards to an update to the way we handle our shipment templates:
“I built all my loads for next week this morning and it took me half the time to get them all done so I’m definitely a fan now of the new billing templates.”
It definitely made my day to read this. Thanks Jared!